Catherine Chandler's Poetry Blog

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back in the swing of things . . .

Girl on a Swing, by Winslow Homer

Some recent acceptances and upcoming appearances of my work:

Mezzo Cammin:   my essay/research paper on María Eugenia Vaz Ferreira (Uruguayan poet) - currently being "coded" for website presence

First Things:   my sonnet "The Red Beads" - date TBA

Quadrant:   my ekphrastic poem "Edward Hopper's Automat" - Australian literary journal

Innisfree Poetry Journal:   my rondeau "Heartwood"

The Centrifugal Eye:   two poems in the upcoming 5th year anniversary anthology : "Beach Dogs" and "Lost and Found"

Still waiting to hear from the following journals where I have submitted recently: The Hudson Review, Measure, Antiphon and CanLit. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Finally, have just put the finishing touches to my second full-length collection manuscript, title pending, which I will be sending "out there" to find a home in the Fall of this year. Sixty-five poems in various forms, including one sonnet sequence, a cento/sestina, a pantoum, ten translations (from French and Spanish), a "light" section, and much more. The cover is fabulous and I've received permission from the photographer to use it.

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

Unknown said...


Your beautiful Edward Hopper poem is in our November issue, which is now with the printer.


George Thomas
Deputy Editor