Catherine Chandler's Poetry Blog

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Coming to Terms













This the poem that was awarded the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award in 2010. 

It took me 33 years to write.


Coming to Terms


I set aside my one-size-fits-all shirt,

my pants with the elastic tummy-panel,

as music to a silent world of hurt

strains from a distant country-western channel.


Still, there’s compassion. I’ve been granted leave —

a week in which to heal and convalesce,

to peel away the glow-stars, to unweave

the year I’d stitched onto your christening dress.


I rearrange my premises — perverse

assumptions! — gather unripe figs. Throw out

the bloodied bedclothes. Scour the universe

in search of you. And God. And go about

my business as my crooked smile displays

the artful look of ordinary days.


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