Catherine Chandler's Poetry Blog

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Give me your tired, your poor "



In this sonnet, I tell the story from the point of view of a taxi driver.

Due to the expansion of the Canada - U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement, the Roxham Road crossing facilities have been demolished.



Roxham Road

For the families crossing through the woods into Canada


A New York Trailways bus has pulled into

its final U.S. stop: the Mountain Mart

Mobil Station, Plattsburgh, passing through

to Montreal, scheduled to depart

at 1 a.m. A family alights.

Retrieving their baggage from the cargo hold,

they huddle with their backs against the night’s

brutal wind and Adirondack cold.


I drive them in my cab up to Champlain,

to Roxham Road’s dead-end, a perilous trench

to navigate, a trek through rough terrain,

formalities in English and in French.


I light their way and wait until they’ve crossed.

At last it clicks. That dire word. Tempest-tost.



— Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Québec, February 2017


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